Live the best life with your dog

Training the basics offers a great start…

Up to date reward and trust-based training

Giving you and your dog

All you need to live well together

Dogs add so much joy to our lives and we need to make sure we do our best to give them a great life in return.

This means chosing the right dog for you, training them to suit your life, feeding them well and keeping them fit and healthy.

I can help you with all of these important steps in your dog journey…

If you are unsure where to begin just make contact.

We can chat about the best plan for you, your household and your dog.

Look forward to meeting you all…


Young and impressionable…
As soon as your puppy has settled in it will start learning about you, your family and your home. It’s often pretty stressful for you and the puppy and we are happy to be on hand to offer advice and helpful tips.

We specialise in offering personal coaching with your puppy in the environments where you will walk your dog.

All dogs are different.  Every owner will develop a unique relationship with their dog based on their expectations, their household, family and needs.

We take pride in treating each dog-owner partnership as individual and adapt the training accordingly.

Adult dogs

Like us dogs find learning easier when they are younger, but it’s never too late to start.

Sometimes bad habits develop or there are changes in the dog’s or owner’s circumstances –  we work with all ages of dog to help you and your dog live well together.